
What is the Basque Country?

That’s a question I see a lot on the internet. There are forums and discussion boards where people debate this very question.

This week on the Hella Basque YouTube channel, I’m going back to basics and talking about what the Basque Country is.

This week’s video is a brief overview on where the Basque Country is, what it consists of, and who are the Basque people.

I explain some Basque terms you may have heard before like Iparralde and Hegoalde, Euskal Herria and Euskadi.

This is the first video in an introductory series on the Basque Country. I wanted there to be a resource on YouTube for anyone searching about the Basque Country to learn more about it, so I hope this series will be helpful.

But I also hope this video will be useful to you, Hella Basque’s readers, the next time someone asks you, “What’s the Basque Country?” You can share this video with them to give them a quick introduction.

Be sure to Subscribe to the Hella Basque YouTube channel to catch the next videos in the series. New videos posted every Thursday!

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