
Today is a bit of a personal milestone for me.

I’ve had the idea to start a Hella Basque YouTube channel for a year now, but it’s taken me awhile to wrap my head around all of the work this would require.

Learning how to use camera equipment. Learning about lighting, composition, filming and editing techniques. Downloading and learning how to use video editing software.

(Okay, none of this is required. I could have just started a long time ago. But I’m a planner and a bit of a perfectionist, so if I’m going to start something I want to have an idea of what I’m doing.)

And then making the time to plan, record, and edit all of these videos.

And getting used to seeing my face in full HD on a computer screen is no joke either, let me tell you.

It’s a little uncomfortable. It feels very narcissistic. And the thought of nasty YouTube commenters to come gives me a little anxiety.


Why YouTube?

But I can’t get over the feeling that a Hella Basque YouTube channel is important, that someone in the world could benefit from it.

If my goal is to spread awareness about the Basque Country, Basque people, and Basque culture, it only makes sense that I try to do that on the huge platform that is YouTube.

Because I’ve spent some time on there looking up information about the Basques (see this post on Basque sheepherder interviews online), and I’ve only found a few quality videos about the Basques in English.

There’s lots of great footage of Basque festivals, news reports in Euskara, and a handful of good travel vlogs in English. Kontatu Digital Storytellers out of Bilbao has been making some quality videos in English too.

But I’ve seen very little direct explanations about the Basques.

So I thought an introductory series about the Basque Country and the Basque people would be helpful to have on the internet. For anybody searching about us to be able to get a quick answer to their questions.

Then from there, who knows?


How You Can Get Involved

I’m very open to suggestions from you guys about what kind of content you’d like to see on the YouTube channel. Let me know in the comments!

(I know the comments have been down on this site for a while, and I sincerely apologize. I’m not very tech-savvy when it comes to certain things. But I think I finally have it fixed now! Please test it out and let me know for sure that the comments work.)

If you want to support this new chapter of Hella Basque, please go to the channel and click the Subscribe button.

Also, there’s a Like button under every video (just like on Facebook) that you can click if you enjoy them.

The YouTube algorithm gives preference in searches and recommendations to channels with more subscribers, likes, and comments. So the more you engage with my content over there, the more it will be seen by you and others.

I’m going to be posting one video a week on the channel, on Thursdays.

I’ll be promoting the videos on social media like everything else when they’re released, but if you want to be sure to catch my videos the best way is to Subscribe to the channel.

And in the meantime, I’ve organized some video playlists of Basque-related videos I found on YouTube for you to enjoy. You can see those on the Hella Basque channel page.

Thanks in advance for all of your support, suggestions, words of encouragement, and subscribes!

Here’s my first YouTube video, where I talk a little more about why Hella Basque is starting a YouTube channel:




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