
How to Get Travel Tips from Locals in the Basque Country, Even If You Don’t Know Any!

Planning a travel itinerary can be daunting, especially for a trip that takes you far from home. Like going to the Basque Country.

The process can present challenges if you want to design a trip that takes you off the beaten tourist track.

The internet is filled with articles and blog posts with ideas of places to visit in the Basque Country, but a lot of them tend to repeat the same tourist sights.

Going to Donostia-San Sebastián? Yes, go to the beach, eat pintxos in Parte Vieja, hike Monte Urgull, and take the funicular up Monte Igueldo.

Going to Bilbao? Visit the Guggenheim Museum, bar hop in Casco Viejo, and take a tour of San Mamés Stadium.

Going to Biarritz? Take a surf lesson, enjoy the beach, and go shopping.

If you’re looking for those types of travel tips, search any number of articles or buy a guidebook written by a fellow Anglophone and you’ll find the answers you’re looking for.

But if you’re like me and prefer to develop your next trip of a lifetime with real input from locals in the Basque Country, read on.

Let me share with you the tried and true ways I’ve used to get in touch with people who live in the Basque Country to get their recommendations for how to make the most of my time in their home country.