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Ana and Me in front of Des Alpes

I’ve been having a lot of fun this summer leading Basque walking tours of San Francisco. When I was in the research and development stages for this tour I had a lot of help from Ana Iriartborde.

Ana was an invaluable resource because she and her husband Ganix used to run the Des Alpes Basque hotel and restaurant in San Francisco.

She was kind enough to share with me a few of her recipes from the Des Alpes years. She even gave me permission to share them all with you, so I hope you enjoy them!


Des Alpes Basque Restaurant Recipes


String Bean Appetizer

Serves 4.

2 lbs. French cut string beans 1/2 onion, chopped
2 hard boiled eggs, chopped

2 eggs, beaten
1 Tbsp. Dijon mustard
2 Tbsp. vinegar
Salt and pepper to taste
Slowly add vegetable oil until blended.

Toss dressing with string beans mix.


Beef Tongue Vinaigrette

Serves 4.

2 beef tongue
2 shallots
2 hard boiled eggs Vinaigrette (oil and vinegar)

Boil the tongue in water for 30-45 minutes. Peel off skin and slice.
Chop shallots and hard boiled egg. Mix with vinaigrette and pour over tongue.


Veal Stew

Serves 4.

2 lbs. veal
1/2 lb. sliced mushrooms 2 shallots
2 garlic cloves
Salt and pepper to taste Chicken broth
2 carrots
1 glass white wine flambé 1 Tbsp. flour
1/4 cup water

Heat oil in a frying pan and brown the veal. Cook mushrooms, shallots, and garlic. Add salt and pepper. Pour off the oil.

Boil chicken broth. Add the veal and cooked vegetables to the broth. Add carrots and white wine flambé. Dilute 1 Tbsp. flour in water. Add this mixture to thicken the stew.


Piperade au Jambon

Serves 4.

2 lbs. Canned tomatoes or 8-10 fresh tomatoes 2 green peppers
2 shallots
2 garlic cloves

Salt and pepper to taste
1 Tbsp. sugar
1 egg
4 slices of jambon or 8 slices of prosciutto

Peel off skin of tomatoes, if using fresh tomatoes. In a pot, heat some olive oil and add in tomatoes, salt, pepper, and sugar. Cook on low heat 30-45 minutes. In the meantime, sautée green peppers, shallots, and garlic. Pour off oil and add to tomato sauce. Beat egg and add to the tomato sauce. Service with a slice of jambon.


Interested to visit the old Basque hotels of San Francisco? You can sign up for the Basque walking tour of San Francisco here.



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