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Several people have asked on the Hella Basque Instagram account how they can learn more about Basque culture, and I opened the question up to our Facebook page.
For many Basque Americans, The Basque History of the World: The Story of a Nation by Mark Kurlansky has been essential to discovering more about the Basques throughout history, especially in regards to the language, culture, and origins of the Basque people.
Linguists have determined Euskara, the Basque language, to be a language isolate, pre-Indo European and unrelated to any other language in the world.
Scientists aren’t sure where the Basques came from, but the latest research speculates that the Basques came from a group of farmers on the Iberian Peninsula that lived between 3,500 and 5,500 years ago.
These ancestors would have become isolated from later waves of migration from central Europe and North Africa around 5,000 years ago, as Basques do not show any genetic ties to those groups. By contrast, 10% to 25% of non-Basques on the Iberian Peninsula have genomes related to these central European and North African farmers.
RECOMMENDED 9 Movies Filmed in the Basque Country
But I find one element that makes the Basques unique to be most interesting, and that is the question of blood type.
Is there a Basque Blood Type?
Here is what Mark Kurlansky writes on the matter:
[Excerpt from The Basque History of the World
Basques have the highest concentration of type O in the world — more than 50 percent of the population — with an even higher percentage in remote areas where the language is best preserved, such as Soule. Most of the rest are type A. Type B is extremely rare among Basques. With the finding that Irish, Scots, Corsicans, and Cretans also have an unusually high incidence of type O, speculation ran wild that these peoples were somehow related to Basques. But then, in 1937, came the discovery of the rhesus factor, more commonly known as Rh positive or Rh negative. Basques were found to have the highest incidence of Rh negative blood of any people in the world, significantly higher than the rest of Europe, even significantly higher than neighboring regions of France and Spain. Cro-Magnon theorists point out that other places known to have been occupied by Cro-Magnon man, such as the Atlas Mountains of Morocco and the Canary Islands, also have been found to have a high incidence of Rh negative.
Twenty-seven percent of Basques have O Rh negative blood. Rh negative blood in a pregnant woman can fatally poison a fetus that has positive blood. Since World War II, intervention techniques to save the fetus have been developed, but it is probable that throughout history, the rate of miscarriage and stillborn births among the Basques was extremely high, which may be one of the reasons they remained a small population on a limited amount of land while other populations, especially in Iberia, grew rapidly.
The occurrence of Rh negative blood is so inexplicable that some even see it as originating from extraterrestrials!
I understand that the Basques may seem strange to people and a bit of a mystery, but linking them to aliens is kind of a stretch. I’ve heard all sorts of other theories about the Basques: they’re descended from Noah of the Ark, or the Basque language was spoken by Adam and Eve or originating from the Tower of Babel, or that the Basques are the survivors of the lost city of Atlantis!
Whatever theory you subscribe to, there are no shortage of resources where you can learn more about the Basques. Here are some of the other recommendations from our Facebook discussion:
- Guernica by Dave Boling
- A Book of the Basques by Rodney Gallop
- In a Hundred Graves: A Basque Portrait by Robert Laxalt
- Buber’s Basque Page
- University of Nevada Reno’s Center for Basque Studies — free book downloads available
What other traits make the Basques unique? What resources would you recommend to people looking to learn more about the Basques? Let us know in the comments.
Continue Reading:
- How the Basques Defeated Europe’s Greatest Army and How History Erased Them
- Tracking Down Basques in Sydney at Gure Txoko Euskal Etxea
- A Hella Basque Visit to Iceland
Featured Photo: Chalet Basque
This is awesome, my grandparents Pete and Claudia Cennarusa, I have o negative blood with o positive components. Thanks for sharing this❤️
Thanks for sharing about your family! Fascinating, isn’t it?
I am Rh0- blood. My mom is Rh0- and my dad is RhA-
My brother is Rh0+
My sister is RhA-
My children are: Rh0+ same as my husband blood type and I had to receive the rhogam shot many times.
I have more family with this blood type and I would love to know if we have ancestors from Basque.
I am an Indian from India i am an AB0 blood group RH 0 Negative am i a basque
It could be. The daughters are also half Indian From india. They have my Blood o RH Negative Our blood is very strong All of my children have It And their children also
I have A RH Negative blood. My mother’s family name was Punshon and they were French Huguenots. They were Protestant Calvinists whom fled France in the 17th Century . Perhaps they were part Basque too, as it borders French territory , I understand ?
Me too. I’m an African with Rh0-. Am from basque country?
No, you are not basque! You need first to understand that it is an inherited allele on both side of your parents! Your blood type is one thing x.., the rh factor has got nothing to do with the blood type! My blood type is O, rh factor negative, both my parents are rh positive! Explain this situation! Can you see my point where I want to lead you? Two rh positive parents of x blood type can have at least an rh negative child, as they secretly pass down their unknown rh negative allele to their offspring! This is genetic and is called science, and lastly is fascinating and amazing!
Hi, of northern Indian (Asia) decent with 0- blood. Born in Scotland
Have Italian husband & kids who are A-.
Hello you are a Basque. So you and I are unique. Don’t ever forget that. We have a gift.
I am from Orange County, California. I am o / rh negative blood..
Not sure if related to anyone blood line in Basque. Would awesome to know.
And truly scientifically they have no idea where the blood in our bodies came from. Kind of scary for the possibilities …
Hi Alma,
My blood type is O negative and I do have Basque relatives, a great grandmother who came from Spain. Her name was Jessie Buno. Maybe we are related? And I find that a Basque view of the world, from my perspective, can be often the reverse of someone else’s. We think “outside the box”.
Hello. Just trying to find out more about this web page and Rh neg [O neg] blood. My DNA came back with history of aBasque descendent.
And the ‘strange’ feelings, events, that I’ve grown up with and certainly think outside of the box. With episodes of out of body experiences.
Very interesting and I know almost nothing about the Basque peoples.
Thanks for reading,
Both of your parents cannot be rh-, because your brother is rh+
Two rh- can only have rh- children.
I have O-, and am an alien born from two rh+ parents. Rh- is a recessive gene. You get two genes, one from each parent. You need both genes to be rh- to be classed as rh- If one is rh- and one rh+, you’re classed as rh+
What do you think the chances are of an 0- mother having 2 children with 2 different fathers and one is A- and one is B-. . . Unknowingly. . .
AB Negative and my mom was adopted and I’m not sure about anything on my biological fathers side. Wish I knew about where I come from.
I am AB- and no one in my family on the paternal nor maternal have my blood type. I am interested in knowing more information on this. I am very different then my siblings who do not have my blood type. Green Eyes. Finally there is much research on my blood type. So am I a product of the Basque heritage? Is there a link regarding this and my blood type? Only 1% of the world has AB- blood. I have read about aliens having something to do with AB- blood type as well. The Annunaki. Has anyone else read and researched this?
My Mom’s side of the family is Scottish, she was born in Nova Scotia, and my Dad is 100% Basque from the Frenchside. I have an O positive blood type.
Very interesting! Thanks for sharing.
My son is O negative, does that mean I’m also O negative? Otherwise I would have received rhogham ?
O is considered a universal blood donor, so not necessarily. If you didn’t need the Rhogam shot, then you and your child are both RH negative. I’m RH negative (B-) while both my kids are RH positive (B+ & A+). Since my husband was RH positive (A+), I had to have the Rhogam shot as soon as I found out that I was pregnant and again after both my c-sections to prevent me from building up antibodies in case any of my baby’s blood crossed into mine during birth so as to prevent the death of any future babies (I lost my first).
I would check your child’s hospital birth certificate; it should say both your’s and your child’s blood type.
Incidentally; someone hypothesized about RH neg & positive causing autoimmune problems. While I sincerely doubt that there is any truth to that, I will say that my mother was RH + and that both my youngest RH + child and I have Hashimoto’s Hypothyroiditis and, I have Sjogren’s as well… both are autoimmune diseases. As I said tho, I think that’s a complete coincidence.
I am also part McDaniel Irish. My mother Andi both had thyroid problems.mine was Hoshimotis. I also have Sjorgrens among many other autoimmune diseases. My grand daughter has O- blood. She also looks different than her brother and sister. Some say she looks like me when I was younger I do pray she does not take after me in health issues. I have looked up pictures of Bisque people and she looks like them also.
Is your husband a descendant of Christopher Gist?
I’m Rh A-. Paternal grandmother Scottish, paternal grandfather from somewhere in Italy. Maternal grandmother English and maternal grandfather Welsh. I don’t know anyone else’s blood group in the family however I miscarried my first child and they gave me the shot and then I went on to have 4 children. I also havre Graves Disease. Sounds familiar?
Norma you would of only recieved the Rhogham shot only if you yourself was O negative. I am 0 negative and I had to have the shot when i was pregnant with my daughter and she has 0 positive like her father. Your son probably got his 0 negative blood from his father, and you are probably positive blood type.
My Dad’s blood type was AB- my Moms sister and I are both AB-..other sister is husband is AB+ I did receive the Rhogam shot after my son was born he was A+…my ancestry results show 86% Central Europe 11% Baltic 2% Germanic and 1% Sardinia. My parents were both from Slovakia.
The Basque peoples history is fascinating to me and everyone’s imput as well.
Only Rh-negative gestational carriers receive RhoGAM shots so you’re either Rh-positive or depending on your age, the RhoGAM shot may not have been available when you gave birth (it was FDA approved in 1968 so if you had your son after 1968, you’re Rh-positive).
The Anti-D shots as they’re known in the UK were available to me and given to me for five pregnancies between 1962 and 1969. I’m an original guinea pig.Then, again in 1983. For a late child. They were stopped in the European Union in recent years for causing Autism in babies, as they did in all six of mine. The type that only shows itself in early twenties I’m A Negative cde/cde my dad was O Neg, Mum was AB Neg, it seems according to research their mating was a very, very, rare throwback from ancient times of two blood types reunited, explaining my cde/cde problems. Example: Allergies all meds, all vaccines, many, many NDEs and l’m a lifelong natural medium. My mum’s dad was from County Cork in Ireland, but, her mother’s side appear to possibly be Basque. Their surname was (truly) Diaper. And Dad’s background relates us blood-wise to William Penn from my birth town here, in the UK. William Penn of Pilgrim Fathers Quaker, and Pennsylvania fame.
I am o rh- and I had to have thr rhogham with both of mine they give it to you around 18 weeks I believe and don’t know baby blood type until they are born if your baby is negative you don’t have to get another after birth if they are you do get another one. I had one negative and one positive baby.
This is incredible to know. I am a Urioste by blood. Anytime I can become more informed about the Basques its appreciated greatly.
Glad you found the information interesting!
I am Black born in the US. I had the rhogam shot with both pregnancies. I have survived cancer 4 times including hypothyroidism, sarcoidosis and type 2 diabetes. I am O negative.
Same here! And my blood type is O Negative.. very interesting!
Rh- blood is common on the West Europe but also other places off the Atlantic such as the Berbers and was common with the Gaunches on the Canary Islands.
Good point!
A + blood type and mysterious medical condition in my oldest child. High fever 105 since infancy as well as other odd conditions. Age 25 now.
yes we are of Basque origin and IRISH. Mainly concerned about my kiddos medical situation. Tough to get help as I am adopted.
Sorry to hear about your child’s health issues. Hope things have improved for them. <3
Love this. It’s hard to tell your children all about the Basques and there is a lot to know! I am going to have all of them watch your podcasts. I stumbled on it today but don’t know how I got here. What should I tell me children about where we can all find you? I don’t just like it. I love it.
Glad you found Hella Basque! And sorry for the super delayed reply. You and your kids might enjoy the Hella Basque YouTube channel, where I talk about lots of different Basque topics. You can check it out here:
This is so fascinating. I am O Rh negative. I had my ancestry DNA done and discover I am 1% Basque. Not a lot, I know but still wow. Don’t even know what it means.
Very cool! You may find the Hella Basque YouTube channel helpful if you’re looking to learn more about the Basques:
O’Neill Jonelle, you have made me laugh so much with your “pero aún wow.” What a great sense of humor you have!
I am not really sure of my exact ancestry place in Spain but I am O- like my father and brother. It seems that my ancestors were located in Cantabria, so I think that since Cantabria is so close to the Basque Country……… someone from the Basque Country “visited” Cantabria and that is how, centuries later I have the type of blood so prevalent in the Basques. I think I am Basque, so I am Basque.
I live in USA, born in Cuba.
My father and brother are, sadly, both deceased, and I do not have any first cousin on my father’s side fir the DNA test. My brother did not have sons, only daughters. I have no one else that could have the test done.
One more thing, I married an A+. Have one child, a son, A+ as his father. He is healthy.
My father had a supernatural healing power that I attribute to his Rh-. I inherited that same fantastic healing power.
3-9-2020, Hi I’m O+ my mother and sister are O-, My Mom’s DNA show Spain, Basque, Native American from Mexico, Surname Celis which from some research comes from the town Celis in Cantabria, Santander Spain. Also there are a lot of left handed people in the history and present. I am left-handed, also my son, grandson, uncle, deceased sister……….which is a little rare only 15 % of the population, my son also has Hypermobility (double jointed) 15% of population, I know very little of my mother’s family, it has always been a mystery. I am trying to find out more
My mom was O- and I’m A-. I had my ancestry done to look for a Cherokee or Hispanic link. Great-great grandmother was said to be full Cherokee or Navajo. She was also said to have been adopted. No records can be found. Her children listed different maiden names for her on their death certificates. And… No Native American or Hispanic showed up in my DNA, but African and Western Asian sure did. Then when they reaccessed my DNA, I dropped in African DNA and Western Asian fell all the way off. I think a lot of the DNA is bull crap. How can you tell me at first I’m of 6% African decent, and a year later only 2%. Smells fishy to me! I have a daughter that is a lefty and my cousin on the side in question is a lefty. My grandmother on that side, my sister and I also have bent pinky fingers. I do have a lock of that gg grandmother’s hair, but I don’t know if or who could test it. I also have some of my mom’s before she passed. It’d be neat if someone could test it. I doubt they can since I’ve been told they need the follicle, and this is a cutting. So the mystery continues lol!
Regarding the Cherokee connection – I have read (this is just conjecture on the author’s part) that some believe that the Cherokees originate from one of the lost Jewish tribes. A lot of their culture and symbolism relate to their Jewish roots. They have rituals like the Hebrew feast dates and many other things that I can’t remember now.
I want to reach out. I am also rh negative, crooked pinkies and family is immigrant from the east prussia decent. Fleeing the German war era In the early 1900s to Midwestern states. I do not know many of my family members . I am told my many over my adult years that I have healing powers and very clairvoyant dreams that I speak of often and freak me out. Reaching out to other alike. Thanks
Back problems?
I am also RH Negative and both of my pinkies are bent. My late dads were also !
I have read that most of our U.S. Presidents have been left-handed and were rh negative
My mother, father, three sisters and I are all O neg. Both of my parents are from the American South – and for many generations. From what I know and what ancestry dot com’s DNA test results say, we are almost exclusively originally from the British Isles, with heavy concentration of Scottish Highlands and England.
Being a blood donor with O neg, you are always in high demand with the local blood banks! lol
Hello everyone ! My name is Janet and i am also o neg. Lots of strange stuff has happened to me all my life. I have the overwhelming feeling that i need to find someone or something. I think it is more of a feeling i need to find other people like me. O negatives. I dont understand why i have this feeling. I want to know if anyone else is having these same feelings. And is there a place for us that is safe for us to get together? I feel there is alot more to this and hope we find out the whole truth.
Hi Janet I am A negative and i have always felt as though i dont belong. My family are all positive even my own children. My husband is positive so i was deemed to have positive children. I have always had strong feelings of not fitting in and not belonging. I have always liked different things, my personality and ways are also different and iv always felt i should live on a farm with horses. My feeling of finding has always been there and still is. So yes i feel there is alot more to this just like you.
Janet I too have rh 0 negative blood and feel the same way, Lots of strange things have happened in my life growing up. My siblings I believe are same blood type as me but they do not feel this way. or at least will not tell me the truth about it. I honestly have always believed I had Basque ancestry so i did a DNA test one of them showed I did not have it then I put my results into and It did show I was 15 percent Basque so why didn’t it show up on DNA testing. so i did another DNA test on and Yes Basque came up on the results. so I do not know how they come up with all this. but I like you feel like i do not belong ever since i was a small child. weird things have happened to me while growing up. so I do not know. weird about this stuff. lol
You are not alone. I’ve always felt like the odd one out, and have had many paranormal experiences in my life. Prophetic dreams. These are gifts we should honor and treasure. We are the balance to the + people and need to be included in the circle. Yes, Scottish, English and Irish ancestors, too. My Mother always said she was “Black Scotch” but her grandmother was Basque and her dad may have been a hidden Jew.
My father was B- my mother A- they had six kids, four of the sibling were either Ab- and two are A-! 23 and me has me at 50% English and Irish! I also have Neanderthal too!
Hello Janet,
I am also an ORh-, feel the same, like Astronomy and many subjects. Sometimes have been the best in my class and school. Strong and strange intuition. What a mystery we are!
Alot of royal people in my fathers side of the family kings and queens. My grandma Moores side also has a crazy cool family history.. Both of my parents are O neg. My d.n.a showed me that we had come from Whales,Scotland,Iberian,and we also have Irish as well. Looking for others like me who are o negative. Are there any other o negatives having a feeling that we need to find each other for some reason??? Please let me know if anyone else is having these same feelings… Thank you so much
Sure im Danish and have Bloodtype Rh O NEGATIVE
American with A-RH negative blood type like my dad.
So interesting.Im from a very deep Scottish and Irish heritage w/Basque.I have black hair & eyes and O-.And diffinate Neuro problems,and autoimmune & MS.Low body temp & alot of insomnia issues.My father also had black hair and eyes as well as my son.I only carried one child to birth and several miscarriages.This really has me interested as I knew nothing much about my father except for siesures and his brother had PD at a young age.And he was very Irish & Scott as does my mother.
I also forgot,everyone else in family as well as cousins,aunts and uncles have very red to almost orange hair and blue and hazel,green eyes.
I also forgot,everyone else in family as well as cousins,aunts and uncles have very red to almost orange hair and blue and hazel,green eyes.
I also have RH- blood and did find that some of my ancestors came to San Antonio Texas from the Canary Islands – I believe in the 1700’s, need to check my genealogy book? I want to know more about the Basques and related blood type traits. I find that I don’t like very bright lights, Among other things?
My wife is RH- and has MCAD diagnoses. She has had a rough time through the years.
Most people are butt heads toward her and do not like her.
Now she is sick a lot and i would like to here from other RH-
folks in regards to health issues.
Please share some of your issues Doctors have no idea how
to treat her so unfortunately she gets nothing but drugs
and put on the back burner with no one trying to help.
Eat right for your type. Dr. Peter D’ Adamo.
Thank you all for being so interested and feeling so free to participate in something that is real. These blood types should not be some kind of secret. We should all be proud to share information. Sure there are people with neg. blood that have not proved to be helpful for mankind. I could name so many with evil attached to their names. I could also name Jesus’s blood taken from the shroud of Turan. I believe there is something in all this that makes sense. Fallen angels could come from evil, the Devel. Angels also come from God and are good. I believe we need to know the difference.
Great site. Keep believing in yourselves. Way to go.
Im Danish And have RH 0 Negative im the only one in my family, maybe my DAD has the same, but he died, and now I dont know….
Sure im Danish and have Bloodtype Rh O NEGATIVE
Hi Kirstine,
I am also ORh- and my brothers are ORh+.
Same feelings and traits of this strange yet marvellous blood type we have.
Hello, I wander if you happen to choose partner(s) that are also rhesusnegative or have bloodtype 0, whitout knowing?
My Dad’s blood type was AB- my Moms sister and I are both AB-..other sister is husband is AB+ I did receive the Rhogam shot after my son was born he was A+…my ancestry results show 86% Central Europe 11% Baltic 2% Germanic and 1% Sardinia. My parents were both from Slovakia.
The Basque peoples history is fascinating to me and everyone’s imput as well.
Hi everyone,
I would like to say very interesting comments I am also rh- but never asked what blood type, I had to have the shot also when carrying my son.
I have two crooked Pinky fingers, also the fourth finger on both hands are slightly crooked. I also have Lupus, and Rheumatoid Arthritis, I also have felt I don’t belong, I don’t like to associate much, and weird things have always seem to follow me.
I would like to learn more, haven’t took a family history test yet, as I know they are kind of high, so have to wait for a little extra income.
I would like to know what weird
Things others have experienced.
Revelation: Awaken Generation
To those RH -/O-
There’s a reason the narrative being told tries to link us as Nephilim, Children of the Fallen, Anunaki, Hybrid, etc…
In my research recently, I have uncovered interesting FACTS such as:
On our palms there is a distinguished perfect letter M.
Our eye’s usually leaves other’s speechless as they are of hazel color with a Gold Ring around.
Characteristics are like we are ALL are small parts of one: childhood trauma, life struggles, intuition/psychic, bonding/connection with animal’s, empath, feeling like we don’t belong or this isn’t our home, compassion, sadness, etc… It’s like twins that are separated at birth, live totally different lives with different upbringing with each feeling only 1/2 as if something or someone is missing. When they find each other, the emptiness is replaced by, “YOU complete me,” (Jerry 😉).
My background: born under a lunar eclipse at 444 as a result of adultery. My memory begins at 2 1/2 years old when biological mom abandoned me with biological dad whom was a severe alcoholic that had abused his 4 other daughter’s but, specifically me for 19 years. Those 4 half sister’s never attempted to protect me or even ask me…from the moment I breathed life upon earth, I have been attacked by much that anything and everything bad you can think of or situation, besides trafficking, I’ve been there, witnessed or experienced.
I am left-handed, INFJ personality, German/French/Black Irish. Mother was adopted with name of Kluss and father name of Duncan with our motto being Learn to Suffer. I am the ONLY one in our family with RH-/O-. I have been donating blood since the age of 18 and I’m 50 now. My 1st son was diagnosed just before turning 1 with hemophilia type A Severe. I was told I was a carrier but, I insisted tests be done AND I am not a carrier which left them speechless so they chalked it up to a spontaneous chromosome. I was told that if I got pregnant again that ASAP let them know so I could get the shot etc. I didn’t and when I showed up with my 2nd son, they were ticked off but, speechless once again I instead asked for them to test my boy’s blood types. I was TOLD no need because it would be whatever the father’s was for the male is dominant. 😉 you know I had to insist on the tests where, shocker alert, speechless again for BOTH boy’s have my blood type O- AND both inherited my looks with my characteristics…
My oldest and I share a intuition bond and my intuition has been 100% even though I don’t listen to it. Looking back on my life, I realized that no one raised me LITERALLY UNTIL I recalled a memory of waiting until I was safe to be alone, late at night while father and 2nd stepmother were asleep, I would go out to his diesel truck huge paint/mechanic shop, turn on the radio and dance like I was a ballerina or walk an invisible beam like a gymnast and then I could be found in his office chair with a book in my hands. This book I still do NOT know where it came from or how I had it because he never had one. For some reason I knew where to get it and like a student studying for a test, my voice could be heard reciting the chapter’s title’s, “Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus…,” and to this day from memory I can do the same without the book known as the BIBLE.
Let’s just say my testimony would make believers of His Truth for I was never raised in church BUT, He was my parent, my teacher, my therapist, my vent, my conscience, my lawyer etc…no joke.
Throughout my life I have witnessed miracles, human Angel’s and been led to places or people for specific reasons as well as been directed to research thing’s such as: Atlantis, Bermuda Triangle, Salem Witch Trials, Titanic, Freemasons, Illuminati, Jesuit….this research began in the 8th grade which is also when I first attempted to end my life. He’s intervened at least 6 times.
I had a Ouija in 10th that I got rid of after boot camp and I had the Satanic Bible for a split second before rapidly destroying it. My stepmother married a Freemason when I was in 10th grade and I was briefly married to one just after she passed…
The last 6 year’s have been the purest he _ l of my life but led me to many realizations and awakening.
WE can’t be cloned!
CIA throughout history have done experiments on our blood for multiple reasons as mentioned but mainly to understand or find out where the intuition comes from or why. A lot of missing person’s and satanic ritual survivor’s have/had our blood type.
I found an article that hit home when it mentioned that most O- have been locked into struggling without a chance to do better, be better etc., because strategically in positions such as government places, there are people to tell us no or to keep us down, if that makes sense? For example: your electric is about or was shut off and you’ve heard your friend and other’s got help with theirs from Salvation Army. You get there and you’re told that’s wrong and they can’t help you…even though you were with a friend the day they got help.
It ALL goes back to: 12 tribes of Israel, Egypt, Fallen, Satan, Tribe of Dan, alchemy, Grey and White Vatican Pope’s, Jesuit Order, Freemasons (Scottish Rite)and the illuminati.
When the tribes left Israel they had to separate and split into Egypt, Asia, Europe…
Tribe of Dan were Egypt. Egypt had Satan. They became jealous of the other 11 tribes and wanted what is promised by God.
They wanted us EXTINCT so they began intermarriage with the other tribes to also corrupt the bloodline and THIS is around the time that hemophilia came about for back then this disease only had an infant male living toddler year’s for they would bleed to death for the simplest injuries.
This reminded me of an order from a King to murder ALL male infant’s but, there was one specific already floating down a river that would eventually become a man named Moses.
Since they couldn’t extinguish us, they decided to corrupt and infiltrate whilst becoming the powerful elite we see now.
The 11 tribes could be found in what is now: Germany,Ukraine, Georgia, Russia, France, Africa, Asia…and Egypt. Again they separated to Ireland, Scotland and England and then again to North America.
My oldest has asked me multiple times if deep down I ever felt like royalty (Anastasia type) or if I thought maybe I had been kidnapped possibly….he then mentioned Georgia which I had never heard of because he had researched and SAID how our features are identical and their beliefs the same…Basque
I have found much more but this novella has left my swiping finger numb so I’ll wrap it up…
Do NOT BELIEVE THEIR FALSE NARRATIVE of anything and especially our blood type origin.
Do NOT BELIEVE the MEDIA or Hollywood.
If something is labeled conspiracy theory take it as the opposite which is TRUTH for it’s something they don’t want to know.
Do your own research on whatever you have questions about, pray to God and Jesus but NEVER put your faith or life into man’s hands.
If YOU are an organ donor and/or donate regularly and are in the registry blood bank… There’s a REASON WE are registered…think about this…
Of course we are NOT that Nephilim, Alien, Satanic elite 1%powerful Anunaki and that can be proven by looking at our bank accounts or the multiple times we’ve donated to SAVE OTHER’S LIVES!!! We wouldn’t have done that if we wanted population control right?
Ask yourself? If we are like 3% of the population AND can ONLY have our same blood type then why haven’t we been asked to donate and save for each other?Why are we hounded and bombarded to give but forgotten about our own?
Remember that Egyptian satanic tribe of Dan 1% elite? The skull and bones alumni President’s AND politician’s AND Hollywood THAT conveniently have the same exact blood type? The NWO Freemasons illuminati puppet minions? The one’s that are purposely collapsing the States for United WE have no longer been? THEY need our blood!!!
Division/Distraction False Narratives False Flags Mind Control CERN Darpa 5G … underground tunnels, kidnappings, trafficking, drugs… left/right (Trump was an Epstein friend and is Scottish Rite Freemason Jesuit. He hired Fauci, put us in quarantine AND launched the jabs), black/white…these are and have been their moves in this chess game we call LIFE!
HUMANITY is at stake but most of all OUR CHILDREN!!!!
RESEARCH yourself the things I have put forth but do so not on Google but on OTHER search engine’s.
If we are so advanced in technology ask yourself or try to remember…why do they keep creating new cell phones and wireless everything that connects to one system when computer’s are slower now than before or still freeze up or why do cell phones still roam or drop calls or why thing’s are becoming digital….why was there a subliminal messaging patent on tv and monitors back in like the 50s…the evidence is out there but it’s within each of you to find it…
It is only when we listen to our heart’s that we can hear our soul speak the TRUTH!
To ALL whom read what has thus been written above, I give EVERYTHING and ALL that I have from Him at this time so that their Armor is mended and updated to your indestructible strength and valiant courage. THEIR LIGHT re-lit to lead them home WHERE YOUR prophecy brings us from all 4 corners BACK together once more and darkness will be no more.
Live Light TRUTH and LOVE I give freely to thee…
Just a note re your post. For truth, Trump did not hire nor appoint Dr. Fauci, in fact he didn’t like Fauci nor the doctor’s recommendations. Dr. Fauci was at the time director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and as the chief medical advisor to the president of the United States. He was in that position when Trump took office & stayed on in the Biden administration. In fact Fauci has said that he would resign if Trump “somehow” managed to be elected in 2024.
As for me and I believe many Americans I sincerely hope not to see that! I like you am Rh negative [O neg] and am sensitive to a fault and don’t want to see the fall of democracy.
Sorry for going on so much…..
I’m certainly no Trump fan, I wish they would lock him up in some institution and throw away the key. I just didn’t want Dr. Fauci to be offended!
Thanks for listening
I’m RhA- when I had my child I was not given the Rogam shot. Does that mean that his father had A- blood as well since I was able to carry him to full 9 months? They gave me a Rogam shot after he was born for future pregnancies,
I’m RhA- when I had my child I was not given the Rogam shot. Does that mean that his father had A- blood as well since I was able to carry him to full 9 months? They gave me a Rogam shot after he was born for future pregnancies,