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It’s official! 1 year ago this week I started posting videos on YouTube about the Basque Country and Basque culture. I started off the Hella Basque YouTube channel with much anxiety (you can read about it here and here), but after a year of posting videos once a week I’m feeling much more comfortable on this platform. Dare I even say I prefer it to blogging?

To mark this milestone, I created a video telling you all about how Hella Basque got its start, from a small blog in 2013 to an eventual YouTube channel. I talk about what inspired me to go down this road of promoting Basque culture online, the challenges I’ve faced, and what I hope to accomplish with this project.

Check it out if you’re curious to learn more.

I wanted there to be a resource on YouTube for anyone searching about Basque culture to learn more about it, so I hope this video is helpful and interesting.

Be sure to Subscribe to the Hella Basque YouTube channel to catch the next videos in the series. New videos posted every Thursday!

Also, feel free to Like and comment on our videos.

The YouTube algorithm gives preference in searches and recommendations to channels with more subscribers, likes, and comments. So the more you engage with my content over there, the more it will be seen by you and others.



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